Tuesday, 23 December 2008

More important than rainforests

BBC News story

I'm not as angry at him as I thought I would be; I'm not surprised, certainly. Go on Benedict, show the world how irrelevant you are.

The Pope's a cunt.

Monday, 22 December 2008

Review of the Year

What a busy year. Highlights include:

My new job (obviously). I love working for RNIB Cymru, and even though my opinion of it has changed a little since my colleague Ian left, I still love it here (and god knows it's better than working in fucking Blackhorse).

The new skills I've acquired this year: people, project and event management; audio recording and editing; podcasting; felting; delivering presentations to hundreds of people/youth groups; interviewing, recruiting and training over 300 people; getting better on my ukulele.

Falling in love again.

My ideas for THREADS 2009 - Blodeuben and how he was made.

I'm excited about next year - the funding for my job only lasts until 31st of March; now I've always been super apprehensive about taking on temporary jobs, but doing this one has made me realise how much freedom they allow, so I'm not scared of them any more. I'm also looking forward to James and Tarina's wedding in New Zealand (but hellish scared about the flight). Something else I'm looking forward to, is seeing where me and Patrick go from here: our first holiday together, our first camping trip together... soppy things like that.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Loads of love

Cariad mawr

Andrew x
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