Wednesday, 15 November 2023

The Goblin Market at Christmastime

We're back at the Goblin Market. The merry band of goblins have chosen their favourite festive songs and are playing them on a small dais near the bonfire, just across the way from the bar where you can buy mead and ale and homebrewed cola.

There are stalls set up between the trees, and all the trees have twinkling Christmas lights. Jars filled with glowing fairies light your path as you wander through the market.

There are hobgoblins selling their wares, elves offer henna tattoos, and witches have enchanted perfumes - there's a small trestle table where pixies will gift wrap your purchases free of charge.

Don't try the trolls' egg nog though, it's far too strong for humans!

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Nonbinary finary

Shwd mae pawb? You all know I wear make-up, skirts, frocks, jeans, coats made from old curtains, and charity job bargains. That’s because clothes aren’t gendered. Well, it turns out neither am I.

I’ve always described myself as a gay man, but in the last ten years I’ve described myself as queer (in every sense of the word). But I’ve never felt like a “real” man. Not that I am not masculine. I’m strong and can fix things. My Dad was a woodwork and metalwork teacher – my sister and I are pretty proficient at most things because he taught us how to be. But I’ve never fitted in to what society says a man is. I’m not a woman either, but I’m willing to express my femininity. I don’t give two shits to be honest.

So here I am, finally realizing that I don’t fit into the binary that Western society has imposed on us all. Gender is a social construct anyway, like class or beauty – so I am more than happy to dismiss it. Gender is bullshit.

I explained it to my husband, friends, family, and colleagues like this:
My sex is male, I was raised as a male, and am perceived (mostly) as a male. But I’m not a man. Think of me as the reverse Pinocchio. I’m not a real boy!

I’ve changed my pronouns to they/them, but I’ll answer to any. None of this will affect you in any way, but I wanted to share. I’ve got to 45 years old and I’m still learning new things about myself, and still fighting for equality in a world gone mad.

Andy x

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