Wednesday 18 June 2008

My 31st Birthday

Is rapidly approaching, and I'm feeling strangely optimistic. I was horrified to turn 30, and I thought I'd be the same this time but I'm not. My Mam always tells me that she loved her 30s, and I'm finding that to be the case too.
I've got loads of projects that I'm working on: setting up my theatre company and applying for funding; releasing my free novella, and organising the event to launch it; trying to find new funding streams so I can carry on working at RNIB Cymru; launching the expansion of my Millennium Volunteers project in Carmarthenshire... lots of things to keep me going.

Birthdays do seem to mean less the older you get, and I'm treating this one as a chance to get loads of mates together, have a drink, then go out dancing. See? I've got my priorities right.

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