Monday, 17 March 2008

Let me tell you something

In a complete stinker of a mood today! My walkman was on random this morning and 'Cantgetaman, cantgetajob' by Sister Bliss came on, the lyrics are funny and suit how pissed off I am today, so here they are:

Let me tell you something:
Life's a bitch.
I can't pay my bills,
I can't walk my dog,
I can't get a man,
it's just a bitch

Let me tell you something:
Life's a bitch.
The fridge is empty,
the cooker don't work.
Where's my money?
Oh, life is a bitch!

Cantgetaman, cantgetajob

Honey, I'm telling you something:
Life's a bitch.
I can't get a job,
but I don't wanna job.
I just wanna do something else with my time.

Cantgetaman, cantgetajob
Cantgetaman, cantgetajob

You wanna know something else:
There ain't no parties,
no hoedowns,
no good times.
There ain't nothing but the clothes I got on my back.
And guess what?
It's just a bitch!

Cantgetaman, cantgetajob
Cantgetaman, cantgetajob

Oh, life is a bitch!

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