Thursday, 25 June 2009

Soundart update

My Blodeuwedd soundart is now exhibiting in RNIB Cymru's Cardiff office foyer, and its twinkling, chirruping loveliness makes people smile as they come into the office. I'm very happy that I found a place to exhibit it this year, being Louis Braille's bicentenary and all.

RNIB Cymru have also asked me to write another piece of soundart based on their new strapline, as they have now joined forces with CIB (Cardiff Institute for the Blind) - a fantastic local society that helps blind and partially sighted people in Cardiff and the Vale. It will be exhibited during a VIP launch to promote the joining together of two brilliant organisations.

RNIB Cymru and CIB working together to support blind and partially sighted people.
RNIB Cymru a CIB yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i gefnogi pobl ddall ac â golwg rhannol.

I've made a start on it, and it's come out totally different from Blodeuwedd. I sampled a Perkins Brailler, and transcribed the notes as I did for Blodeuwedd - but it's ended up as this minimalist techno thing. Quite reminiscent of Matmos - which I'm rather happy with.

Already making plans for my next piece, but not sure where/how I can get it exhibited. Answers on a postcard please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Blodeuwedd...reminds me of Shulz or The Irrisistable Force....nice piece.

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